Monday, February 20, 2006

HR POLICY: Healthy Life Style

At Tyler, we want to make sure that all our employees are well and performing to their duties. And thus we have the guidelines listed below. Your health is important to us and the company.

Lifestyle Guidelines listed below to maintain your health and prevent stress:

Drink water : at least 8 glasses of water!
Remember to drink alot alot of water!! make it ur best friend! and make sure your pee is clear! it is the best way to see if u are drinking enough water! cheers to clear pee!!

Avoid cigarettes.
Cigarette smoking is the single most important preventable cause of illness and early death. The effects of smoking cannot be reversed. And please reframe from smoking one hour before you meet clients.

Exercise regularly.
Regular exercise helps people of all ages look and feel better. Different kinds of exercise provide specific health benefits. - Lets just walk more, stretch more.. Talk a walk every 2 hrs outside have some fresh air. It will do you good!! For those who have access to the gym, use it!

Eat sensibly.
A nutritious diet is essential for maintaining good health and proper weight.*do not skip meals!!*
We have having fruity fridays!! everyone has to eat a fruit on friday!!

Take care of your eyes.
After every 45 mins of staring in to the computer, give your eyes some rest by focusing on a far object. Hey, take care of your eyes!! they are precious. You may bring along your specs and change out of your contact lenses!

Learn to manage stress.
Stress is a normal part of living. Three major steps to keep daily stress from becoming a problem: take time to relax, talk with a friend, and learn to keep a positive outlook.

** more articles to come!! lets do it together!


Cervantes de Leonard said...

Well done, Pumpkin.

malc said...
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malc said...

In line with healthy living more oreos are now placed on top of the fridge. =X

Matrix said...
