Just a few points about the new combat system (please ammend and update this post as and when the problems are fixed or you have a possible solution or if I made a mistake somewhere):
Gamplay and graphics issues:1) The monsters and characters should rush forward quickly and perform their attack rather than hover slowly to the target. The forward move phase should be twice as fast as the existing movement, moving back twice as fast as that (almost instantaneous).
2) Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the player and the monster attack simultaneously. They'll move towards each other and then pass each other and attack the area slightly behind the target. Is this due the algo used? Does it stop tracing the target's location half-way through the attack?
3) The algo that controls how long it takes the character to reach the target has a standard timing? I'd prefer if the sprites moved at a standard speed rather than standard time so they will hit their target earlier if there's a shorter distance to cover. Makes more sense I guess.
4) Let the interface bar flash when it's the character's turn. Don't have the whole MAW sprite flash. Alot of flashing MAWs is just confusing.
5) Positioning of the MAWs / enemies needs to be more spaced out. Perhaps the angle slightly changed. The character sprite on the extreme right is partially hidden.
Interface issues:1) If I add in the action selection menu and enemy info display I think performance will degrade even further. I can convert some of the vector lines and text into JPG if it will help. I think medium quality is the lowest we can go without the interface distorting too much.
Performance issues:1) How much additonal load does the jet boosters take up? I suggest the fembot keep her legs and just have the backpack booster from traveling around the map (her legs in the same position as the leg thrusters now). I battle she can stand on the floor. and activate her booster only when she needs to fly forward to attack. That should "boost" performance. :-P
Malc please help to QC the latest version when you have the time and add to this post! Thanks!