Monday, January 22, 2007

MW Ep1: Premium is ready.

Mobile Weapon Episode 1: Premium is done. There no need for a release date. It's done, completed, and sitting in the hard-drive of TY's computer.

What are we waiting for? Well we're trying to get the answers to a few of your most burning questions:

1) Will I need to start from scratch if I upgrade to premium?
Ans: Not if we get the server-side save ready. We'll put it up ASAP, you guys will need to complete the game and then register to save on the server. We'll need to do testing so we're sure the thing won't crash when more than 10 people try to save at the same time.

2) How can I buy the Premium version and how much will it cost?
Ans: We're setting up a Paypal page where you can buy it and recieve a registration key and a download URL. You'll probably need a use a credit card to pay for that unless you got some money in Paypal through some other means.

Shortly after, the game will be available on other sites that our Publisher has deals with. If they have alternative payment methods for those of you without access to a credit card, I'll be sure to let you guys know. However if you buy through the publisher or other sites, we only get 30% of whatever you pay.

We're looking at pricing the game at US$15.95. We checked and most of the games at Yahoo games cost US$19.99 and the more popular titles cos more than 20 bucks.

Ans: Sunday.

*Update 27/1
We'll enable online server save for the online version next week or later. So if you buy premium this Sunday you'll have to start from scratch.


Anonymous said...

Totally... freakin'... AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this idea of a premium version but i'm dissapointed that u have to pay. Almost like every good game u have to play now and that's just os sad. I like games that you could play for free :( Will theree be a free full version?

Cervantes de Leonard said...

No game can be completely free. Even the free games have to earn though advertising.

If we ever get to 2 million hits a day on then we can consider making the premium free.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think that's a bit exaggerated? I mean, you're not as popular as for example WOW or something. Wouldn't 1 million hits per day be enough? <:)

TheReviewer said...

Well, the current free version on the site is still Full because the main quests are still completable and you are able finish the episode.

The premium version basically contains more items, character, side quest etc. It is meant for players who wants more out of the game and as a means for us to sustain the development of more episodes.


Cervantes de Leonard said...

I'll do the exact math and then post the formula in a blogpost.

But let's just say that even some text-based RPGs have one million hits a day at it's only enough to sustain 1 programmer.

I suppose we need more ads on our mainpage too.

Anonymous said...

Come on, who cares if it isn't free? I'm willing to shell out 16 bucks for this.

Anonymous said...

"There's no need for a release date. It's done, completed, and sitting in the hard-drive of TY's computer."

*jumps for joy* YAY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

well this is one of the things(buyable games) that can KILL companies in order not to die you must have enough free content to pull new fans, you must add a play free buton on your main page that will link to the online version and you rather either just change the version number to v1.00 or make updates with this change to keep free attractive, make sure you dont force registration for non multiplayer games EVER this can kill you it is recommend that you find an alternate method to transfer saves to mobile weapon ep2 besides registration(save codes, temp online save,etc.) dont forget to adversite when you have more money and dont add a button in the title screen of the page that says BUY PREMIUM NOW OR YOU DONT GET THERE FEATURES it scares new people seriously! just make sure it dosent look like the statment above if you do add a buy now button, i just hope you dont fall because your game dosent appeal enough for adults because if it dosent only a small precentege will buy the game since most parents now days prefer to pay for larger games.
anyhow good luck.

Cervantes de Leonard said...

Thanks for all the great suggestions! I know the website is bare right now. We've just got the new design up but we'll be adding more to it ASAP.