Thursday, November 01, 2007

Changeable character outfits for Battle Stations

Very soon (when we're out of BETA), you'll be able to buy different outfits from a new clothing shop for your character. Check out this new pirate outfit!

All classes will be able to equip the new outfits, so even an engineer can wear the new pirate costume if they want. The hats are also now separate as well so you can mix and match hats with different outfits.

A big thank you to our contributing artist, Jonathan, for designing the new outfit as well as helping to make the changing system possible by breaking down the avatars into parts.


Anonymous said...

Strangely, I feel as though this outfit was meant to appeal towards the senses not supposed to be known by the initial audience you intended this franchise for.

The outfit itself was well-made though. Good work!

Cervantes de Leonard said...

I didn't provide any art direction for this design, it's the artist's own design.

Now that we have a lot more artists working with us we can try new styles and themes.

Anonymous said...

Nice, I like the artwork. You must have some talented people on the task.

JyhMin said...

the pirate chick look cool alwiz!! =P