We put in a good 36 hour day to get here. Let us know if there are bugs. Enjoy.
BUG reports and fix updates 12/11:
BETA v0.52
- Better looping of title music
- Strange monster in Calisto's house fixed
- Multi-hit bug recurring with Lazlo mines boss, increased delay as a temporary fix until a more permant one can be done after Monday.
- Lazlo mines boss damage lowered
- Removed "rare item" drops for gearfly and brass clock monsters because it halved the probability of them dropping gear and gryobolts. The drop rates are now 60% for both. Hope this helps with your augmenting efforts.
- Generators have been BUFFED. This may make the game imbalanced but at least you'll be able to see if they are working or not. New stats for the generators are
Steam engine +30 capacity, +2 recharge
Dyanmo generator +100 capacity, +5 recharge
Induction engine +50 capacity, +10 recharge
- Removed "Not connected to server" message
cool, but were are all the avenger parts?
The graphics in the new version are amazing. I just wish I could start from the file I left off at in 0.46 instead of start again.
Thank You for finnaly finishing it
i have been waiting for this version to come out since i found out about it
Let's see... the weapon energy usage all take up around 50%+ regardless of being the bronze fist, rifle or assault..
the better generator has no effect on the MAWs' energy capacity nor its replenish rate..
Fighting the worm in the earthquake is impossible-- his garbage spew does 70+ damage per turn and things are buggy after awhile; so is calisto's house when you go there-- you encounter enemies.
The monsters seem only to want to attack luna before barrage (but this could be just me being unlucky)
I suggest that the hit counter come up only when there is more than one hit, as it gets somewhat annoying to see the hit counter come up every single attack.
The internet server also doesn't connect.
I felt that the gameplay was slower, most probably due to the fact that I have to wait so long to attack. Also, because of it's similiarity to v0.46, I disliked replaying the same game over again.
Overall, I was pretty dissappointed with this release; I was expecting more. There were some new things, but it felt just like the old v0.46 version (I thought the game was going to be dramatically different?). I would rather have waited longer for a more improved version than a that seems hastily put together.
But I know that this is just a game developed by students on their free time, so I don't want you to think I come off too critical. It seems that a lot of the players take your game for granted and expect too much, and I just want to let you know that this is a GREAT game you offer for free. However, if you want the game to become premium, make sure you do get all the bugs worked out.
when will it be updated in newgrounds? Since i played it there. And will the data i saved there b lost when updated and have to start again"?????
a bug:
when you return from the start a new games screen by pressing the X button the title menu music mutes it can be returned by opening the credits and clicking back or by mute and unmuteing the music.
HI I was wondering Like if your account would get deleted you could make a username instead of files cause lets say you got like to lv 8 and it got erased you could never get it back unless you guys could then that would be great but username would be better in my opinion and also just a little statement or suggestion that when your fighting it takes forever just to make one hit since you have to wait for the bar to reach a certaint limit couldnt it be more faster it would make the battling more quick instead of waiting 15 seconds just to get one hit
what's fame for???
Well, the game was practacly the exact same. I played a new file and nothing was new. I found nothing the first time. I re-started my computer, then played again. It was new. It was slower just by a little, and everything just took longer to get.
The generators still don't work :( What's capacity for anyways?
Defense position doesn't take less damage
And the energy usage of attacks don't work properly (aka if you have 120% and you use a weapon that is 35% it goes 101-35= 66% instead of 85%)
Bug: when your fighting in the Iron Forest/Jungle the game sometimes freezes probably due to lots of information
But other than that all I have to say is that it is a great game and you guys have done a fabulous job. Cant wait tell you completely finish the ending and all, keep up the good work!
This game is awesome! But.... It has WAY too many glitches. First, the mech gauntlet has a glitch where the game just freezes after you attack. Same goes for the portable launcher. In v0.52, game worked well enough for me except for those weapons. However, in v0.54, the game freezes up when I remove the generator. What gives? When I remove anything, actually, it freezes. It's a nice game, but I don't want to start over every update.
Barrage attacks one after the other and I only attack once for every 6/6 of barrages attack and callisto never gets and attack even tho her energy is 120%
Why is this?
Callisto never gets to attack even tho her energy is 120%
The generator doesn't work. :(
How do I get into the ruins? It's still blocked even after I've been to all the other places.
Wow, this game is glitched up big time. After the rather bland ending(It was kind of sudden), I reloaded back to the last time I saved. I went to fight the sprout lord and instead of the dialouge you get before the fight, part of the ending dialouge started only instead of Mr. S's face shown in the first box, it was the sprout lord's.
Then I reloaded, started talking to random people and this still happened only Mr. S's face was shown in the first box this time. I went and talked to Mr. S hoping to stop this and it still happened. I went out and talked to random people again until finally the dialouge went all the way to the end and the prolouge for episode two began. After that, I reloaded and the dialouge was back to normal again.
Long story short, I doubt that was suppose to happen and was a glitch that needs fixing.
Why is the entrance to the ancient ruins blocked? I finished the game and yet it is still blocked.
We'll post it on Newgrounds when it's stable.
the game is cool and i love it i can't wait for ep2 to come out *ps the gamr rocks ^_^*
So you'll post it on Newgrounds when it's stable. Okay, when will it be stable?
I like it, but in the Iron Jungle, the Gold Clock Creep keeps suddenly jumping backwards out of the battle. Is this a bug, or did you do that on purpose? If you did it on purpose, why?
it is better but for some reason a battle will not happen. i mean it will go to a 100 but never start
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