Mobile Weapon: Premium!
Monsterous Machines of Mayhem!
Remarkable, Recondite Ruins!
Spectacularly Shocking Supers!
Improved Intuitive Interface!
Chatty Compelling Characters! (I ran out of ideas for good alliteration)
List of Features!!!
- Hunter's Guild Quests
- Ruins Quest
- New playable character
- Level 2 supers for all 3 main characters
- More Monsters
- More Weapons
- New Tilesets
- More NPCs
- Slot Machine minigame in every inn/bar
- More secret stuff
- A longer animated ending!
*goes down the list of pictures*
Everything was great but the new interface. I like it when it was lighter.
Now back to the praising:
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!!!
Keep up the good work!
(PS: Is that a Mystro?)
Alright! Too bad I won't be playing because my parents know there are better things to spend than on this(no offense).
What else is going to be there?
umm which day is gonna be loaded onto the website?I just play your game and I like it a lot
Yay! Though what happened to Laura the MaW? (You know the one I mean)
We decided to reserve the Laura MAW for later since "she" looks kinda powerful and her wings also are kinda obstructive if we put her as a player character.
Maybe we'll have her as a secretly playable character in multiplayer version.
Yes it's a redesigned Mysterio. The character is a archeologist so we thought it'll be appropriate to give her a arcane looking bot.
We prefer simpler interfaces too but as the game expands, we'll need more room for more features. We'll try to balance the interface clutter with utility.
Awesome... what happened to Callisto, though?
Oh, and also, have you guys implemented server saves on the free site?
You can have a maximum of 3 active party members. Calisto is still there, you'll just have to swap her into the active party.
We're going to get the online save up in a few hours or an export function for your online game.
Just a note: You meant you ran out of ideas for alliteration (under the picture with Cyphus)
That aside, Premium is spiffyness on a stick
My bad. I've changed it. Thanks!
Huh, i've finished free ver. with all 3 MAWs 500HP and best possible equipment... It'd be nice to continue the store but I'm not legal yet so I can't pay by card or bank wire and my mum disslike 'waste money' for my games... If you add more expansions in future, will those premium now become free?
Please answer, thanks
Thanks for playing! You can continue the story by playing the free versions of subsequent episodes.
We won't be making the premium games free because that won't be fair to the people who bought them.
which is the latest vesion of Mobile Weapon, Mobile Weapon or Mobile Weapon Episode 1
Check the version in the top right or bottom right hand corner of the title screen.
The latest version of the free version is Open v1.0 and the latest version of Premium is Premium 1.0.1
god dam it how do u aces the anceint ruins i want to go to imperial island also will u make a mobile weapon v2 for more fun for all mobile weapon fans?
urs truly
some smelly guy
a) Buy Premium
b) Get to the part where you are supposed to find the compass
c) You can now backtrack to the mines and enter the ruins.
Are you going to make a mobile weapon version 2? I am a very big fan and I am finished with the first game like 5 times already. I love the graphics and the story line.
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