Monday, April 16, 2007

Exams are over! + MWTC:mobile preview


MAW and animated enemy sprites!


Anonymous said...

Ah, looks good. I would get it for my mobile as soon as the Dutch goverment does as much as bother to mind about the needs and wants of the people back here...

But that's off the subject. Nice work. Now we wanna' see some MW:Arena pics! =D

Anonymous said...

This is Tactics, right?

Cervantes de Leonard said...

It's MW Tactics Command for mobile phones. Not sure when we'll do a PC version of Tactics Command.

Anonymous said...

hmm i hope there will be better graphics for computer

Unknown said...

Hmmm...looks sorta like Advance Wars...then again so does just about every portable RTS.

Anonymous said...

Cute! <(^.^)>

Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

dose it come out on palm pilots?

Anonymous said...

Its J2ME, so any mobile application that can play Java apps should be able to play it.

The current version we're working on is made for a screen size of 176 x 220 pixels.

Also, its size will be roughly 300kb, so lower end phones such as series 40 Nokia phones wouldn't be able to load it.

Anonymous said...

Make it for pc to! That is so cool!
Ps: why can't guest post on the forum

YU 337,

Anonymous said...

Great job TYLER, I think this is going to be an awesome game. I've been waiting for new MW games for a while and this one looks like a fun promising one. Keep up the good word!

Anonymous said...

it looks like andvance wars

Anonymous said...

Looks pretty good, but the sprites don't seem...MW-ish.