Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Mobile Weapon Developer Diary #27: Single Player Combat System Base

Yes, the base system for combat is now more or less done. This includes the following features:

- Hero Action Bar (we'll have to name this something else)
- Dynamically generated hero sprites
- Dynamically generated enemy sprites
- Hero move and attack
- Enemy move and attack
- Enemy AI attack target picking (currently there are only 2 versions of this)
- Dynamically generated attack effects
- Pop-up damage number
- Hero weapon selection (which changes the attack effects and damages accordingly)
- Enemy and Hero HP and healthbars (Yes they can die now)

Basically the whole flow for an attack goes like this - For any hero whose Action Bar is full, select the hero, click the attack button, select the target enemy, aaaaand... Voila! Hero will pull off attack based on the highlighted weapon in that hero's weapon-select menu.

So sorry that I'm unable to post any screenshots of this though, since all the generated sprites right now are bobbing square blobs of different colours.


Anonymous said...

Sounds great!

Anonymous said...

i think that this will be great