Thursday, April 20, 2006

Mobile Weapon Codex #1

We've decided to apply for funding from MDA and they require us to submit our game "bible". I dislike using the term game "bible", so we're going to work on our game codex here instead.

Weapon Types
There are 3 classes of weapons used by the conventional MAWs, magus MAWs wield magic in addition to any of the weapons listed here:

Melee Weapons
Fists - MAWs that use heavy mailed fists as their weapons get 2 attacks. Best suited for players who want to get a few good hits in quick before their opponents can even react.
Hammers - Hammers, Maces are heavy, cumbersome and slow your MAW down. But they hit with planet sized force! Capable of knocking back oponents.

Ranged Weapons
Cannon - Cannons the most common ranged weapons. They have long range, and pack a big punch, great for decimating the enemy from afar. They have a minimum range and cannot be used in close combat. Some mounted cannons also require you to face the direction that you want to fire at.
Gattling Cannon - Fast firing gattling cannons can make short work of an enemy MAW if they get in close.
Rockets - Rockets have the longest range and damage a small area on impact.
Mortar - Shell devastation over a large area with motar bombs!

Special Weapons
Special weapons can only be purchased by pilots aligned with specific factions or with a sufficently high pilot class.

Flamer (Magma Cannons) - Flame and Magma weapons overheat the enemy MAW's increasing the time they need to charge for their next turn.
Beam - Superior range and damage. Aiming the crystal powered beam weapons can only be done by skilled MAW pilots.
Beam Sabers - Ancient technology said to be able to condense pure energy into a blade.

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