Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mobile Weapon Developer's Dairy #12 and a half

Hmmm, high time I posted something. (Sorry guys, always slipped my mind to use this). Ok, status report on MW. Both the handphone and PC versions are now in sync. This means that the phone version now has our Energy-ATB system, and can receive synchronise instructions for all the actions that can be performed in the PC version, including things like teleportation and combo attacks. New features done for the hand phone version include the following:

1) Workin ATB Energy Bar
2) Team selection
3) Win and Lose screens (Done button just logs out the player)
4) Gold and Xp calculation (No changes to DB yet though, will do that soon)
5) Bots onscreen can now receive all non combat instructions implemented on the PC version (However, Handphone players still cannot perform these actions yet)
6) Fight Intro Text (eg. Ready.. Fight!)
7) Bot death when HP = 0 and when disconnected

New features in the PC includes number 2, 3, 4, and 6, with the following additions and differences
- Gold and XP calculation changes the values in DB
- Done button on win/lose screens takes player back to the room instead of logging out
- Team selection now shows the player's avatar and bot

Aaand next, I shall try doing up the shop for the PC version. Any other change or additional ideas you might have, feel free to comment here.

Kudos to you ppl at Tyler, ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good job, derek. can start playing soon?? hehe.. exams coming to an end, need something to keep myself occupied..........